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Why Volunteer?

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While there is a professional aspect of being involved with Scouting, for the most part, the Packs and Troops are run by various volunteers. These volunteers are mainly parents of the kids involved and some parents are very involved in the operation of the troop/pack and others drop their kids off or wait and chat while the kids have fun. Both types of parents are valued within Scouting because they each offer a role model to their son.

However, the more active the parents are, the better it is for the parent, the scout and the troop. Running a Pack or Troop is no small feat. There are so many things that go into running an effective pack/troop and many people don’t see the “behind the scenes” stuff that the leaders do to make the meetings fun, productive and teach the boys skills for life. The more parents that volunteer to help the leaders run the meetings, the more activities can be done, the more achievements can be earned and the more fun the boys have!

It also shows the boys that Scouting is as important to you as it should be to them. It is a proven fact that boys with heavy parental involvement go on to earn their Eagle Badge in Scouting. Something like 93% of Scouts with parent involvement move on up into Scouting and 80% finish to go on to earn their Eagle. In contrast, less then 20% of boys with little to no parent involvement move on into Scouting and even fewer earn their Eagle rank.

Scouting is a commitment for the boys for sure, but for the parents, it’s an opportunity to be part of something greater, something their kids will always remember being a part of. Plus, it is rewarding for you, the parent! The sense of accomplishment is shared when your son earns his rank badge or belt loop if you helped him on his way.

The thing about volunteering is that it takes as much or as little time as you want. You don’t have to volunteer to run the troop or pack, just run a meeting. be involved in the meetings. Help the leader keep the boys on track and focused. All little things that are easy to do and, since you are there anyway, why not help out? If there is an achievement you can complete or are especially knowledgeable on, by all means, run that meeting! Let the boys learn from an expert! Every bit helps.

Volunteering for Scouts is an important job. Depending on your level of participation, it can take minutes or hours or days. The important part is that you stay involved, stay committed and show your scout how important being a good role model is. After all, that is the number one thing that Scouting teaches. How to be a role model and be the best they can be.

Why wouldn’t you want to be a part of that?

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